Michael Evans Photographer, a Melbourne based commercial and industrial photographer

About Michael…

My career as a commercial photographer began when I had the good fortune to be working for London based commercial and retail design giant Fitch and Company during the design boom. The diverse range of projects that the company undertook at that time meant that in any one week I could be photographing everything from the construction at Heathrow airport, through to a new office building, a shopping centre or just a single retail outlet. The week that followed might see me working as a product photographer in the studio photographing a new telephone or vacuum cleaner prototype…

I fondly remember the purchase of my first 4×5 inch view camera during this period, whereupon I set about learning the intricacies of photographing architecture and commercial interiors. In the late1990’s I photographed for several Time Life travel books on Israel and the Middle East; thoroughly inspired by the travel bug my journey continued and I found myself settling in Melbourne Australia, which I have now called home for the past 24 years.

While I continue to shoot architecture, I have developed a solid reputation as a reliable and technically skilled commercial and industrial photographer here in Melbourne; I am considered easy going and very adaptable, with excellent visual problem solving abilities both behind the camera and in front of the computer. Working underground, underwater, in a boardroom or even from a helicopter, I am today more passionate about capturing the perfect images than I think I have ever been. Having recently added a drone to my kit bag, I am also a licensed drone pilot (CASA, $20 million public liability) and offer aerial photography as part of my imaging services. Combining the drone with a photographer’s eye is an exciting way to provide a stunning perspective to any project, particularly when combined with solid terrestrial images.

While I have become a specialist in the demanding field of industrial and commercial photography, I also plan shoot and edit basic corporate videos, examples of which can be found on this site as compressed files for easy web streaming, although higher quality previews are available by clicking on the gear icon on the lower right hand side of the video controls.

I consider myself fortunate indeed in that I truly love my work; in fact it seems almost unfair to label it as ‘work’… I could no more stop looking through the viewfinder than I could give up breathing…

Within the portfolio galleries on this site you will find the range of my professional work, as well as my recent personal projects. The travel galleries offer my insight into some of the destinations I have been fortunate enough to visit, and due to my obsession of always traveling camera in hand, contain many more images per gallery. Travel has always been a real passion which feeds my soul on every trip I take; I very much subscribe to the sentiment that ‘travel is the one thing that you spend money on that makes you richer’.

Please do not hesitate to get in touch to discuss your next project.